Monday 27 April 2009

Kyle Green photography

The old ankle's been a bit better so Kyle, Todd and myself have been hitting the streets in search of stuff to skate. Kyle always brings a camera and here's a few shots off of his blog

sorry about taking over the blog. im guessing its just rained in England non stop for 3 months so noones been up to much cant blog shit

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Zarosh documentary

There's a great in depth documentary about Zarosh right HERE.

Monday 20 April 2009

Ditches bitches

In between all the tattoo parties at the lay Z boyz cove we have been out in the ditches of southern california looking for spots

Easter day bleaching party led to this

Diamond boys club

Beers and Logs in Harlow

Last weekend saw a purely coincidental gathering of some of the team at a packed Harlow Skatepark.

Ronnie Calow, Ben Cundall, Dan Cates, Zorlac and the Harlow Death regulars Radman and myself had a wicked time with the usual suspects in summer style weather.

B-Town Rob shot this sequence, thanks once again dude!!

Edit coming soon!!!!
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Friday 17 April 2009


I helped Rob from the house finish off his 2 month creation and got a 10 minute roll yesterday.

It's massive

It's brand new at the moment so expect more pictures as we get used to it.

All pics by Adam Nolan apart from last one.

Monday 13 April 2009

Well look who it is

Ben Raemers is in town and we've been hanging and skating.
He really likes birds

Claims were made

Been skating the volcom park a bunch. Clip coming not soon

Tuesday 7 April 2009


This is birdo, doing a no handed nosepick,
Birdo as you may know started Consolidated in 1992, but before that he worked for Santa cruz
and made their monthly videos classic with his skits, i.e, the icy cold river.
Anyway, birdo is my hero, not because he is one of the most creative people in the industry,  but because he stood up to santa cruz when he saw the quality going down.
its not often that you have someone that cares behind the scenes. 

alas, birdo, one person who gives a fuck about skateboarding

Sunday 5 April 2009

H street

This is sort of a Matt Hensley wall,

and this could be somewhat like one of his ollie grabs, 
it's actually Michael Nevares, at one time a Terror skateboards am
doing a dirt melancholie
and this is the melancholie Hensley graphic
I should'nt of painted it on the top because thats where the griptape goes.
either way its a hensley tribute because if you saw hokus pokus you saw the kickflip backside 180 to melon grab over the trash can at the jump ramp school.  

Thursday 2 April 2009

Back in California

Im hurt and i got time on my hands and since noone else really bothers with the blog im just gonna go nuts. Im back in California for a couple months. Meclher looked after me and let me stay at his manor for a few nights when i got into L.A and now im in the OC at Kyle Green's newport beach penthouse. Ben Raemers is here too but we havent managed to track him down just yet

Spot check

2 fine gentlemen

Dano getting a killer angle

We met up with Steaks lady Lianna and her friend Karin in Hollywood one night

Melcher shredding!

Now im back in Costa Mesa with my boy KG. He really likes dogs

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