Sunday 6 April 2008


I've been talking about doing a write up for the Death Blog for ages and being the lazy get I am and coupled with it snowing outside I thought it'd be a good idea to start.

I had the idea of going home (Darlington) for a day and skate some of the old spots I used to skate when I was a kid. Thought it'd be nice taking Jonny McNair and Moggins with me, also a crew consisting of Scott Hardy, The Brow, Rob from't House and Chung. The idea was take some photos and film some sick shit.

The day starts the night before, I answered the phone to Moggins, he backed out, some thing to do with an injury, I personally think he's a bit soft and wasn't really up for skating the rough streets of Darlo. Fuck, 1 down, I thought I'd make sure Jonny was still in and sent him a don't get fucked up message "it's still on, early start!".

The morning came, it was pissing down in sheffield, I had been checking the weather forecast the week prior and it was always going to be hit or miss, Unfortunately Jonny thought it was definately off and went out and got fucked up anyway, Glad he got my message! I had spoken to Rob earlier, (he is of course a proper adult and when he says he's doing something he's definately doing it), He came and got me and we collected what was left of Jonny.
And headed up to the Brows

After an hour or so on the road we arrived at Darlington and after a few phone calls to various people we managed to get quite a little crew together and headed down to the South Park, this is a place I grew up in as a kid, its got funny little bowl which I hadn't really skated before so what looking forward to it.

Rock 'n' Roll
Jonny post hangover.
The one and only Mr Scott Hardy

We were running a tight ship so couldn't spend too much time there, I could've spent all day. We had other places to check out so we decided to go street skating the old Blockbusters (formally comet) Bank was the first spot. Just as good as I remember.

Wallride Shuv

The weather pretty good all day apart from wind.

Jonny and his coat.

Chung, taking a break from shooting photos and enjoying a kickflip.

Danny was there. Ollie to Road

We were a bit worried about light and everyone fancied a change so we went up to Prissick in the Boro, again the wind was a nightmare but we had a good laugh.

Angry Drop-in from Jonny
Wallie Wall Ride

Scott destroyed this rail, Nose Grind



Jonny wiping his nose on the hubba

Started to loose light by this point and thought we might as well check out one last spot, Ladies and gentlemen I present to you:

Halfcab Blunt

Scott Ollie

The Brow, Pivot fakie.

Hurworth is always a treat to go to but to light it up like that was amazing. We got footage of the whole day and as soon as Rob and myself get some time well put a little edit together and link it through.

All the photos but 1 were taken by Chung

See you fuckers later!

Oh and a special thanks to Rob from the House for all the driving etc.


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