Disasters on the way to a Consolidated demo in Berkley
Melcher, Zarosh and myself left L.A yesterday and drove up the coast to Zarosh's hometown of Monterey. Zarosh's friend broke his foot before we left so a trip to the hospital made us 4 hours late to leave. Then a couple hours into the journey we hit up a school to bomb some hills and look at some spots and Zarosh managed to do this to himself

Then four hours after that we ran out of gas on the highway and were stranded for a hour until a tow truck came and took us the 2 miles down the road to a truck stop for a nice 100 dollars. This morning his foot is a lovely purple/blue so we're going to the hospital. We're still going to the demo tho. Melcher is in tip top shape and i count for about half a person so we're good to go. Zarosh is on filming duty so footage from it coming soon

Then four hours after that we ran out of gas on the highway and were stranded for a hour until a tow truck came and took us the 2 miles down the road to a truck stop for a nice 100 dollars. This morning his foot is a lovely purple/blue so we're going to the hospital. We're still going to the demo tho. Melcher is in tip top shape and i count for about half a person so we're good to go. Zarosh is on filming duty so footage from it coming soon
get well soon zarosh x
im okay, its not broken. ill be skating in like two weeks.
freakin hurt though
thats good,i pretty much did the same thing a couple of months back it sucks for a while but it gets back to normal.
keep shredding X
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